Mar 02, 2025
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]
Philosophy Major
Three Courses each from a different History of Philosophy Content Area
- Ancient Philosophy: PH-301 or PH-309
- Medieval Philosophy: PH-311, PH-318 or PH-319
- 17th and 18th Century Philosophy: PH-321 or PH-329
- 19th Century to Contemporary Philosophy: PH-331, PH-333, PH-335, PH-338 or PH-339
Two Philosophical Area/Topics Courses
- Any PH course at the 200-level or above
- Any PH course numbered 350 or above
Two Additional PH Electives
- Chosen from History of Philosophy Content Areas or Area/Topics courses
Senior Capstone
Capstone project to be completed in the context of an upper-division course (chosen by the student) taken in the senior year (not an independent course). |