Mar 06, 2025  
2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog 
2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]


Bachelor of Arts (BA)

Saint Michael’s College offers the following majors within the Bachelor of Arts degree:

American Studies Major   Gender Studies Major  
Art & Design Major   History Major 
Criminology Major   International Relations Major 
Economics Major   Media Studies & Digital Arts Major 
Education Music Major 
  Art Education Major   Philosophy Major 
  Elementary Education Major   Political Science Major  
  Education Studies Major   Psychology Major  
  Secondary Education Major   Public Health Major (BA)  
Engineering (UVM Dual Degree Program)   Religious Studies Major 
English Major    Sociology and Anthropology Major 
Environmental Studies Major   Spanish Major 
Equity Studies Major  Theatre Major 
French Major   

Bachelor of Science (BS)

Saint Michael’s College offers the following majors within the Bachelor of Science degree:

Accounting Major   Health Science Major  
Biochemistry Major   Information Systems Major  
Biology Major   Mathematics Major  
Business Administration Major   Neuroscience  
Chemistry Major   Physics Major  
Computer Science Major   Pre-Pharmacy Major  
Data Science Major   Public Health Major (BS)  
Environmental Science Major   Statistics Major  

Self-Designed Major

The Self-Designed major is a student-designed, integrated course of study that allows students to examine in depth a field of study not covered by an established major.  While the Self-Designed major provides students with some flexibility regarding their plan of study, this plan must be developed in the context of some nationally or internationally recognized area of inquiry. Students interested in a Self-Designed major must write a proposal that documents a carefully thought out academic plan, taking into account not only an array of courses but also the sequence and integration of those courses in an overall course of study.  The proposal must articulate how the Self-Designed major will enhance a student’s academic experience and further their educational goals, and explain why their educational objectives cannot be fulfilled in the conventional manner with an established major. The Self-Designed major may not be used to avoid the requirements of an established major or to abbreviate the requirements of a double major.  

The Self-Designed major is the first and primary major and should be unrelated to any second major. The Curriculum and Educational Policy Committee (CEPC) recommends that in those cases where students create a Self-Designed major that stems from an established major or program of study, students should not retain the latter as a second major. Students may choose to add established minors to their program. Established majors and programs of study are those that appear in the college catalogue. 

Self-Designed Major Procedure

Prior to writing the proposal for a Self-Designed major a student will identify and consult with a primary faculty advisor. This advisor will guide the student through the process of writing the proposal, help the student incorporate any changes recommended by the Curriculum and Educational Policy Committee (CEPC), and serve as the student’s Academic Advisor if the proposal is accepted. The student will submit the proposal and supporting materials to the Dean of the College for review by the CEPC no later than March 1st of the sophomore year. Proposals that are not successful may be re-submitted up until October 1 of the student’s junior year. A minimum 3.0 GPA is required for a student who wants to propose a Self-Designed major. The number of courses in the major is limited to 9-11, as is the case for established majors. Consideration for additional courses will be given for self-designed majors in interdisciplinary fields. The CEPC will take prior course work into account.  

Double or Multiple Majors

Students with a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or better may be allowed to pursue a double major. Permission of the academic advisor, department chair, and the Associate Dean of the College are required. Requests for a double major will only be considered after the student has completed at least one semester of graded coursework at Saint Michael’s. Generally, such requests should be made no later than the end of the Junior year.

In the case of double majors, one in a department that awards the bachelor of science degree and the other in a department that awards the bachelor of arts degree, the student will, at the time permission is sought from the Associate Dean to double major, indicate which degree will appear on the diploma. Both majors will be indicated on the transcript.

A major in a particular field of study normally consists of between nine and eleven full courses (excluding required cognates). For double/multiple majors, each major must consist of at least seven courses distinct from any other major that student undertakes, with the exception of required cognates for a major.  

When undertaking multiple majors and/or minors, it is the student’s responsibility – in consultation with the advisor – to monitor the double counting of courses.

Prohibited Major Combinations

Because of a) overlapping content areas and significant number of shared courses; or b) prohibitions related to education licensure, the following double majors are always prohibited:

Major Additional Majors Prohibited
Accounting Secondary Education
Biochemistry Chemistry, Neuroscience
Biology Health Science
Business Administration

Information Systems, Secondary Education

Chemistry Biochemistry
Computer Science

Data Science, Secondary Education

Criminology Sociology
Data Science

Computer Science, Secondary Education

Engineering Secondary Education
Environmental Science Environmental Studies
Environmental Studies

Environmental Science, Secondary Education

Health Science

Biology, Neuroscience

Information Systems

Business Administration, Secondary Education

Mathematics Statistics
Media Studies & Digital Arts Secondary Education
Music Secondary Education

Biochemistry, Biology, Health Science, Psychology

Philosophy Secondary Education
Political Science International Relations
Pre-Pharmacy Secondary Education
Psychology Neuroscience
Secondary Education

Accounting, Business Administration, Computer Science,

Data Science, Engineering, Environmental Studies,

Information Systems, Media Studies & Digital Arts, Music,

Philosophy, Pre-Pharmacy, Theatre

Sociology Criminology
Statistics Mathematics
Theatre Secondary Education