Sep 27, 2024  
2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog 
2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]


  • FR 343 - Literary Studies in French

    Familiarizes students with different literary genres and styles and introduces them to the principal literary movements and authors of French and Francophone literature.

    Prerequisites: FR 310

    Full course
    Misc. Notes: In French. Must be taken at Saint Michael’s College. Students may take FR 310 and FR 343 concurrently. Offered only in spring semester.
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Literary Studies
  • FR 435 - Readings in Francophone Literature

    Readings in Francophone literature from outside France (Québec, Africa, the Caribbean, etc.). Courses could cover such topics as: French-Canadian women authors, Haitian literature of the diaspora, literature of the Négritude movement in Africa and the Caribbean.

    Prerequisites: FR 343

    Full course
    Misc. Notes: In French. May be repeated for credit barring duplication of materials.
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Global Issues that Impact the Common Good
  • FR 440 - Readings in French Literature

    The course may be based on a single author, work or movement or may be of a topical nature. Past courses include “Medieval Literature” and the “Nineteenth-Century Novel.”

    Prerequisites: FR 343

    Full course
    Misc. Notes: May be repeatable as long as the topic is different.
  • FR 445 - Poetry in French

    An exploration of poetry leading to an appreciation of its uniqueness as a genre.  The course will discuss what makes poetry different from other literary forms and will provide the student with a better understanding of poetry, authors, and traditions and with the tools of poetic analysis.

    Prerequisites: FR 343

    Full course
  • FR 460 - Senior Seminar

    In the capstone course for majors, students use the skills and knowledge gained over the course of their studies on campus and abroad to produce a substantial academic essay written in the language of the major. The theme of the essay depends on the particular year, professor, and student.

    Prerequisites: Senior French majors only.

    Full course
  • FS 111 - The Examined Life

    In this course we will examine our lives by writing about them, using “lenses” from various fields (literature, history, philosophy, or psychology, for instance) to see ourselves from different angles. We will each write a memoir of our own, using what we have learned to further explore the writing process and examine our own lives. 

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: First-Year Seminar
  • FS 113 - Tries: Creative Writing Seminar

    This is a course in creative writing.  An essay (from the French essayer, to try) is a try, an attempt to articulate a world. We will read models in a variety of genres and then write our own tries, in a workshop format.  No previous experience in creative writing is required.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: First Year Seminar
    When Offered: Fall
  • FS 114 - A River Runs Through It: The Literature and Craft of Fly Fishing

    This seminar introduces students to the rich literature and passionate practice of fly fishing. It seeks to do so by blending the formal classroom with the larger “classroom” of nature. Classic texts will be illuminated and deepened through an interdisciplinary exploration of film, biology, entomology, ecology, philosophy, history, poetry, fly casting and fly tying.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: First-Year Seminar
  • FS 115 - The American Environmental Imagination

    This course is designed to introduce students to American literary and cultural representations of the natural environment, examining a variety of writings that have shaped the way that we understand and treat nature. We will consider a number of relevant disciplines, including environmental philosophy, politics, aesthetics, and ethics.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: First-Year Seminar
  • FS 116 - Snow: The Art & Science of Alpine Crystals

    This course offers an introduction to the literature, science, and technology of alpine crystals, as well as an exploration of “winter mountaintop sublimity.”  Our focus will be on reading, writing, and animated discussion about snow and ice crystals as they are featured in prose, poetry, and scientific experiments. Coursework requirements include four formal essays, a longer essay with a research component, an oral presentation, and a field trip. 

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: First Year Seminar
    When Offered: Fall
  • FS 117 - Joan of Arc

    Illiterate peasant, mystic, and military leader during the Hundred Years War, Joan of Arc (d.1431) was captured and eventually executed for witchcraft and heresy. Her life and death allow us to explore issues associated with gender, war, heresy, and politics in the pre-modern world. Contemporary literature and films will also demonstrate her influence today.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: First-Year Seminar
  • FS 118 - Theatre and Social Justice

    This course examines how Theatre is uniquely equipped to engage us in dialogue about divisive issues and lead us toward action to fight social injustice.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: First-Year Seminar
  • FS 119 - Horses and Healing

    This course will examine how humans connect with the natural world, especially through horses. Readings about animal behavior, psychology, and the environment will combine with extensive writing and service work in a riding program for people with special needs. No previous experience with horses required, but hands-on engagement is expected.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: First-Year Seminar
  • FS 120 - Living Digitally

    Digital media have radically changed the ways words, images and sounds can be manipulated and delivered. In the process, they’ve altered the ways in which humans communicate, think, create art, express ideas, get information, and conduct relationships. In this course, students will be introduced to the critical examination of the digital revolution, including issues connected to creative expression, privacy and surveillance, consumerism, and psychological distraction. They will be introduced to new technologies and engage their imaginations through art projects in digital imaging, illustration, animation, and web design.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: First Year Seminar
  • FS 122 - Music and the Human Experience

    This First Year Seminar explores the power of song as it relates to the human condition. The class will examine music’s many dimensions – cultural, social, political, etc. – and how music can address and engage in issues from gender, identity, healing, and spirituality to stereotypes, oppression, solidarity, and the “other.”

    Prerequisites: none

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: First-Year Seminar
  • FS 136 - Globalization

    This seminar offers an interdisciplinary study of globalization drawing upon both the humanities and social sciences. It invites students, through writing and discussion, to explore the increasing interconnectedness of people and places around the globe and to examine the social and ethical implications of this contemporary phenomenon.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: First-Year Seminar
  • FS 140 - Place and Placelessness

    This seminar examines conceptions and experiences of place. We live in a world of distinct, memorable and meaning-infused places. By exploring spaces and places which seem to resonate with meaning, we will probe how the essence of the meaning of place can be imposed and maintained (or resisted and denied?), and how we define ourselves and others through and within places.

    Prerequisites: None

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: First Year Seminar
  • FS 153 - Peace and Justice

    This course is designed as an introduction to the subject of social justice through the study of social justice issues in the context of the lives of individuals who envisioned a more just society and endeavored to live by that vision. Course units will focus on Gandhi and non-violence; MLK,Jr. and racism; Dorothy Day and poverty; Paul Farmer and global health.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: First-Year Seminar
  • FS 161 - Technology and Ethics in Society

    The interplay of technology, sociology, and ethics will be considered in this seminar course. We will consider both recent and historical impacts of technological innovation on the American landscape as well as the broader and more recent influence of globalization. Course participants will study current research and trends in computing and consider their impact on our society and the world. We will consider the ethical, sociological and economic dilemmas created by the introduction of new technologies.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: First-Year Seminar
  • FS 193 - Digging Down to the Roots: The Meaning of Gardens

    Gardens serve as cultural, environmental, historical, and aesthetic symbols across the world and reflect three seminal questions: why garden, what is a garden, and who gardens? These questions will be explored through readings, visits to gardens, and gardening experiences in the Teaching Gardens of Saint Michael’s College. Readings will include nonfiction, fiction, essays, memoir, and relevant children’s literature. Expect to get dirty.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: First-Year Seminar
  • FS 194 - Gardens and Greening

    This course will examine how humans connect with the natural world, especially through plant life. Readings about agriculture, botany, permaculture, and ecology will combine with extensive writing and time spent in the SMC organic vegetable garden. No previous experience with gardening required, but hands-on engagement in the outdoors is expected.

    Prerequisites: None

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: First Year Seminar
  • GE 101 - First Semester German

    A course designed to develop basic language skills and introduce students to German culture.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Second Language
  • GE 102 - Second Semester German

    This course follows GE 101 and continues the development of students’ basic language skills in all areas. Some course material will be based on German culture.

    Prerequisites: GE 101 or equivalent placement.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Second Language
  • GG 101 - Introduction to Human Geography

    An overview of the central themes of systematic human geography: the creation and recreation of places; and an understanding of their interdependence in the context of globalization. Core topics include: human-environment relations, demography, cultural identity, geographies of political space, and a spatial history of the world economy.

    Full course
    Misc. Notes: Optional Applied Language Component
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Global Issues that Impact the Common Good or Social and Institutional Dimensions of Human Behavior
  • GG 102 - Introduction to Physical Geography

    This course is a systematic study of elements that compose the Earth’s physical environment: weather/climate, vegetation, soil, and landforms. The emphasis of the course is on these processes, but human-environment relationships are also examined.  Labs promote hypothesis testing, sampling, and experimentation on processes and interactions occurring in the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Processes of Scientific Reasoning
  • GG 201 - Urban Geography

    A geographic perspective on urbanization and a variety of contemporary urban problems. Possible topics include perceptions and images of urban areas; approaches to the study of urbanization and the spatial structure of urban systems; architecture and urban design; social structure and the urban experience; the evolution of residential and non-residential land-use patterns; investment and disinvestment in central cities; and the role of politics and planning in urban development. Emphasis is on the processes characteristic of North American cities.

    Full course
  • GG 205 - Political Geography

    A survey of the theories and themes of political geography. Possible topics include environmental political theories; traditional and critical geopolitics and power; territoriality, nationalism and the state; the Law of the Sea; global environmental governance; locational conflict; electoral geography; locality studies; and urban scale politics. This course examines conflict and conflict resolution at a variety of spatial scales – from local to global.

    Full course
  • GG 207 - Economic Geography

    A geographic perspective on the central economic issues facing human societies. This course covers conflicting arguments and theories for comprehending a world in rapid transition, ranging from spatial applications of neoclassical economics to political economy perspectives on underdevelopment. Possible topics include population dynamics and policy; pollution and resource depletion; food and famine; transportation; patterns of production and land use; economic justice; social and economic development; and multinational and international commerce.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Global Issues that Impact the Common Good or Social and Institutional Dimensions of Human Behavior
  • GG 211 - Geography of Water

    A geographical examination of human-environment relations in the context of water. Built on a foundation of hydrology/water resource management, the course examines the development and resolution of conflict over this critical natural resource. Possbile topics include the hydrological cycle; surface and groundwater processes; the distribution and development of water resources at a variety of spatial scales; water quality and human health; water law; globalization and the commodification of drinking water supplies; international conflict over water supplies; water and human rights.

    Full course
  • GG 220 - Maps and Mashups: Space and Place in Electronic Environments

    An exploration of maps and mapping in electronic environments.  Students will explore the fundamental premises of cartography and apply them in various Geographic Information Systems (GIS) environments.  Course topics include map creation and analysis, virtual globes, exploration and use of online “public” mapping and spatial analysis services, and basic use of GIS software.  The principle objective is to investigate an array of mapping and spatial display environments rather than develop expert GIS users.

    Prerequisites: None

    Half course
  • GG 311 - Community and Environmental Planning

    An introduction to community and environmental planning from an applied geography perspective. Foundational topics include the evolution of the American urban system and the internal structure of cities; the evolution of planning as a legal and regulatory facet of American society; planning techniques and tools; approaches to environmental problem solving at local and regional scales. Supplementary emphases may include housing and community development, economic development, historic preservation and transportation. The class has a fieldwork component. Students are introduced to the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software.

    Prerequisites: At least one geography course or permission of the instructor.

    Full course
  • GG 317 - Advanced Topics in Geography

    Intermediate seminar, the subject matter of which will vary from year to year. Consult with the instructor before enrolling to ascertain topics to be studied.

    Prerequisites: At least one geography course or permission of the instructor.

    Full course
  • GG 327 - Environmental Policy

    An examination of the key drivers of environmental policy at a variety of geographic scales. Course themes may include policies related to endangered species, environmental impact analysis, air and water pollution; toxic and nuclear waste; environmental justice; energy policy and its externalities. Supplementary emphases may include: globalization and environmental policy through treaty and protocol; the evolving role of non-governmental organizations and social movements in environmental policy.

    Full course
    Crosslisted: PO 327
  • GG 417 - Directed Readings in Geography

    Directed study for advanced students in human geography. Focused on major themes and literature in the field, this seminar includes design and completion of a research project.

    Prerequisites: Enrollment by permission of the instructor.

    Half course
  • GL 201 - Foundations of Global Studies

    Students learn theories and methodologies of critical thinking about globalization. They study the interdependence of people and places, and increasing global interconnectedness through economic, political, cultural, and environmental change. Students think globally about the fast-paced transfer of ideas, products, labor, and money and their vital impact on local communities.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Global Issues that Impact the Common Good
  • GL 301 - Advanced Topics in Global Studies

    An examination of a topic not offered by the department on a regular basis. Topics will vary depending on instructor and student interest and demand, but all topics will at a minimum employ a multi-disciplinary and comparative perspective to examine an issue of global relevance in or across two or more cultures, nations or institutions.

    Prerequisites: GL 201 or permission of instructor.

    Full course
  • GL 320 - Globalization and Latin America

    This course explores some of the current debates on globalization in Latin America and recent and interrelated transformations in the economies, politics, and cultures of the region. It also promotes an in-depth discussion on globalization theories.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Global Issues that Impact the Common Good
  • GL 341 - A Study in Service: Guyana

    Students travel to an international location for two weeks (Guyana, if political conditions allow) and engage in service-learning, working with individuals facing marginalization based on race, poverty, age, and illness. Daily writing and group discussion will consider global social, political, and economic marginalization and Emmanuel Levinas’ theory of infinite responsibility.

    Prerequisites: PH 351

    Half course
    Misc. Notes: Satisfies Experiential Learning requirement.
  • GL 410 - Global Studies Senior Seminar

    This is the capstone course for the Global Studies minor. Students will have the opportunity to synthesize theoretical material from this and previous courses, and apply it to cases and issues facing cultures worldwide. Students will be expected to use research, writing and presentation skills to complete projects related to their geographic and topical areas of interest.

    Prerequisites: GL 201

    Full course
  • GR 101 - Elementary Greek

    An introduction to Ancient Greek. Students will learn the fundamentals of Greek grammar through drill, and translation and composition exercises. Students will get a taste of simple Greek, through sentences and very short passages from the New Testament and ancient Greek authors, such as Menander, Homer, Herodotus, and Xenophon. Students will also be introduced to the history of Greek literature.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Second Language
  • GR 201 - Intermediate Greek

    Continued intensive study of the fundamentals and nuances of ancient Greek. Selected readings may include Xenophon, Herodotus, and the New Testament.

    Prerequisites: GR 101

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Second Language
  • GR 310 - Directed Readings in Greek Literature

    Students will read and discuss texts by a Greek author. This course may be taken more than once, and normally students will work with one author in a semester. Recent offerings have been Homer, Plato, and Herodotus.

    Prerequisites: GR 101 and GR 201 or equivalent.

    Full course
    Misc. Notes: May be repeatable as long as the topic is different.
  • GS 101 - Gender Studies: Foundations

    This course introduces students to the history, theories, methodologies, vocabulary, and classic readings in gender studies, usually with concentration on one theme such as health, labor, or suffrage. The course materials have broad applicability to other courses and will provide a useful foundation for students who plan to major or minor in Gender Studies.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Social and Institutional Dimensions of Human Behavior
  • GS 203 - Gender Issues in Society

    Explores the significance and intelligibility of gender by examining, from an interdisciplinary and global perspective, how gender differentiation is experienced, understood, expressed, valued, and lived out in cultures.

    Full course
    Misc. Notes: Fulfills Written Communication requirement for the Gender Studies major.
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Social and Institutional Dimensions of Human Behavior
  • GS 204 - Men & Masculinities

    Explore the myriad definitions, pre-conceived notions, constructions and consequences of both our subjective and objective “experiences” of the two vastly misunderstood terms - men AND masculinities. Global, national and local interpretations of these terms will be explored through the use of texts, discussions, lectures, videos and guest speakers.

    Full course
    Misc. Notes: Gender Studies majors and minors get priority registration for the course.
  • GS 208 - Topics in Gender Studies

    This topics course may change from year to year as professors offer introductory level courses on a topic related to the study of gender. These courses are designed to include all undergraduates, not just Gender Studies minors, who are interested in the particular special topic relating to gender offered that year.

    Full course
  • GS 308 - Advanced Topics in Gender Studies

    This advanced topics course may change from year to year as professors offer advanced level, theoretical courses that reflect current work in the discipline of Gender Studies. A current special topic course is, for example, Feminist Theory and the Body. A past course was Sex and Sexuality from a Gender Perspective. These courses are designed to help Gender Studies minors do advanced reading and work in the field.

    Prerequisites: GS 101 or GS 203.

    Full course
    Misc. Notes: May be repeatable as long as the topic is different.
  • GS 410 - Senior Capstone

    Each student designs a senior project by working with the director of the program and a Gender Studies advisor. It must include a research thesis or project and an internship or community-based learning component linking theory and praxis. Students will give a presentation of their work at a symposium in the Women’s Center at year’s end.

    Prerequisites: GS 101 and GS 203 and permission of the program coordinator after other major requirements have been met.

    Full course
  • HI 101 - U.S. History to 1865

    A survey of American history from the beginnings of colonization through the Civil War.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Historical Studies
  • HI 103 - U.S. History since 1865

    A survey of American history from the end of the Civil War to the present.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Historical Studies
  • HI 105 - Early Modern Europe

    A survey of the social, economic, political, intellectual, and cultural history of Europe from the end of the Hundred Years’ War in the fifteenth century to the eve of the French Revolution in the eighteenth century.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Historical Studies
  • HI 107 - Modern Europe

    This course is a survey of political, economic, social and cultural forces that have changed the course of European and western civilization since the French Revolution. This course will investigate the people and events that shaped European landscapes, boundaries, and economics, as well as the European mindset over the period.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Historical Studies
  • HI 108 - Medieval Europe

    An interdisciplinary survey of significant developments in the history of Europe, Islam, and Byzantium from the fifth through the fifteenth century (from the collapse of the Roman Empire through the Hundred Years War and the rise of the Ottoman Empire).

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Historical Studies
  • HI 121 - The Modern Middle East: An Introduction

    A survey of the history of the Middle East, from the rise of Islam in the seventh century to the twentieth century, with particular emphasis on the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Global Issues that Impact the Common Good or Historical Studies
  • HI 141 - Traditional East Asia

    A survey of the history and culture of China and Japan from pre-history to the eighteenth century. The main theme of this course will be diversity and continuity in East Asian societies.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Historical Studies
  • HI 143 - Modern East Asia

    A survey of social, political, and cultural changes in China and Japan from the eighteenth century to the present. This course will compare the paths of development the two nations have taken in the past two centuries.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Global Issues that Impact the Common Good or Historical Studies
  • HI 161 - Early Latin America

    A survey of Latin American history from the emergence of pre-Columbian societies to independence, with an emphasis on the effects of “empire” on pre-Columbian and Latin American societies and on Indian-European relations after 1492.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Historical Studies
  • HI 163 - Modern Latin America

    A survey of Latin America since 1810, with emphasis on state-making and national consolidation in the nineteenth century, its impact on society, culture and economics, and the origins and course of major revolutionary and reform movements of the twentieth century.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Global Issues that Impact the Common Good or Historical Studies
  • HI 215 - Women in American Society

    An introductory course for students to explore the major themes and experiences of American women from the colonial period to the present.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Historical Studies
  • HI 216 - Native Peoples of North America

    A survey of indigenous people of North America from 1400 to the present day, with emphasis on cultural diversity among native groups, the impact of colonization, rebirth of social and cultural identity/ political sovereignty in the twentieth century, and present day issues.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Global Issues that Impact the Common Good or Historical Studies
  • HI 218 - History of Modern Ireland

    A survey of Irish history from the mid 16th to the early 21st century. Topics include the Tudor revolutions, English colonialism and penal laws, Irish republicanism and home rule movements, the partition of Ireland, creation of the Irish republic, and the question of the North.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Historical Studies
  • HI 221 - Early Caribbean History: Swashbucklers, Slaves, and Servants

    Survey spanning the pre-colonial era through the mid-nineteenth century examining the diverse Caribbean region. Explores political, social and cultural events through the experiences of the diverse peoples and cultures of the region. Major themes include colonial history, slavery, race relations, political processes, relations with the United States, and immigration.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Historical Studies
  • HI 223 - Modern Caribbean History: Cannons to Cricket

    Survey spanning the nineteenth century through the present examining the diverse Caribbean region. Explores political, social and cultural events through the experiences of the regions diverse peoples and cultures. Major themes include colonial history, slavery, race relations, political processes, religion, culture, tourism, relations with the United States, and immigration.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Global Issues that Impact the Common Good or Historical Studies
  • HI 310 - American Society and Culture to 1865

    This course examines the transformation of American social and cultural life from the colonial period to the Gilded Age. Special emphasis is given to the historical context of ideas, concepts and values in American society before the Civil War.

    Prerequisites: HI 101

    Full course
  • HI 320 - American Society and Culture since 1865

    This course explores the social and cultural history of the US since 1865 through the lens of the American Dream, continually evolving, in part, because of an on-going tension between the values of two cultures, an older one of scarcity and production and a newer one of affluence and consumption.

    Prerequisites: HI 103 or EN 253 or permission of the instructor.

    Full course
  • HI 330 - The Age of the American Revolution, 1763-1815

    This course explores the American Revolution from its colonial foundations through the War of 1812. In the context of economic, social, political, and cultural influences, this course will examine the concepts of revolution, liberty, independence, republicanism, and nationalism. It will also examine how race, class, and gender affected or were affected by revolutionary ideology.

    Prerequisites: HI 101

    Full course
  • HI 332 - History of the American Family

    This course will explore the functions of the institution, changes in the structure, size and character of the family, roles and relationships within the family and the institution of the family as a reflection of the broader social and historic trends in American culture and society. It will also consider methodologies and perspectives in American social and cultural history.

    Prerequisites: HI 101 or Permission of Instructor

    Full course
  • HI 335 - China in the Twentieth Century

    An analysis of recent Chinese history from the Boxer uprising in 1900 to the return of Hong Kong in 1997. This course examines the interplay of imperialism and nationalism, and the mixture of socialism and capitalism, that has shaped China’s experience in modern times.

    Prerequisites: HI 141 or HI 143

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Global Issues that Impact the Common Good
  • HI 337 - Japan and the Modern World

    Analyzes the history of modern Japan from the Meiji Restoration to the post-bubble economy. Emphasis will center on Japan’s interaction with the international environment, tracing her experience from isolation to aggression to peaceful expansion.

    Prerequisites: HI 141 or HI 143

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Global Issues that Impact the Common Good
  • HI 339 - East Asia and the West

    From Marco Polo to Toyota. A topical analysis of the history of cultural, economic, and diplomatic relations between East Asia and the Western world, with an emphasis on the experience from the sixteenth to the twentieth century.

    Prerequisites: HI 141 or HI 143

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Global Issues that Impact the Common Good
  • HI 341 - Advanced Topics in East Asian History

    Examination of issues in the history of China or Japan. Topics will vary but may include classical Chinese thought, modern China/Japan in American cinema, or World War II in Asia.

    Prerequisites: HI 141 or HI 143

    Full course
    Misc. Notes: May be repeatable as long as the topic is different.
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Global Issues that Impact the Common Good
  • HI 343 - Advanced Topics in Medieval History

    A topical examination of a selected historical problem or issue in medieval European history from 300 to 1500. Possible topics may include women and gender, medieval heresy and dissent, or the medieval economy.

    Prerequisites: HI 108 or HU 101

    Full course
    Misc. Notes: May be repeatable as long as the topic is different.
  • HI 345 - The Black Death

    An interdisciplinary study of disease in Europe before, during, and after the outbreak of the plague pandemic in the mid-fourteenth century. Among the topics examined are the causes and spread of the contagion throughout Europe and Asia in the fourteenth century, the outbreak of peasant revolts, the effect of the plague on painting and literature, and the role of disease in history.

    Prerequisites: HI 105 or HI 108 or HU 101

    Full course
  • HI 350 - Advanced Topics in Islamic History

    Exploration of a selected topic or historical problem in Islamic history at any time from the seventh century to the contemporary world.  Topics may include the following:  the origins of Islam, Islamic intellectual and cultural history of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, modern Turkey, or the Arab Spring.

    Prerequisites: HI 121 or RS 319

    Full course
  • HI 353 - Presidential Elections

    A seminar that views US history through the lens of presidencies and presidential elections.  From the era of George Washington to the present, it explores a number of topics related to running for and serving as president, including the evolution of campaign styles, the rise and decline of parties; the spread of democracy; the effect of questions about character, personality, peace, and the economy; the growth of television, the airplane, and the internet; and the role of the mass media. 

    Prerequisites: HI 101 or HI 103

    Full course
  • HI 365 - Public History

    Public history is a broad category that refers generally to the study and presentation of history to a broad, general, and non-academic public. Public historians work in a variety of areas including, but not limited to, libraries, museums, historic sites, historic houses, for the federal and state governments, corporations, and as historic preservationists in public and private capacities. Primarily, these various roles require that the public historian can use historical methodology, content, and skills to identify, illustrate and convey the results to a non-academic audience. This course is intended to explore the broad scope of public history, the significance of being a public historian, and provide a basis for a career path that explores history outside of the traditional classroom.

    Prerequisites: 100-level History Course

    Full course
    When Offered: Spring
  • HI 374 - The Roots of American Society, 1607-1763

    This course will explore the political, social, economic and intellectual life of the American colonial period. Topics may include, but not be limited to, Puritanism, Indian-white relations, slavery, western expansion, and religious movements.

    Prerequisites: HI 101

    Full course
  • HI 390 - Empires: 1492—Present

    A comparative study of European empires from 1492 to 1990, studying the way in which European empires shaped the global stage over five centuries, with a focus on Britain, Spain, France, Belgium and Germany.  Emphasis is placed on the imperial encounter, understanding the impact on both European and native peoples.  

    Prerequisites: HI 105 or HI 107

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Global Issues that Impact the Common Good
  • HI 393 - The Historian’s Craft: Theory and Methodology

    An examination and analysis within a global perspective of selected influential works of historical writing since antiquity. The seminar will examine these texts as models of historical literature as well as explore the various theories and methodologies they propose. Topics examined may include (and are not limited to) the following: ancient and medieval historiography, Marxism, feminism, positivism, and postmodernism.

    Prerequisites: At least junior or senior standing and at least one other history course.

    Full course
  • HI 394 - Britain’s 19th Century

    Using gender and class as organizing concepts, this course focuses on the social history of the British people during the Nineteenth Century. Explores the pivotal moments and debates of the era, including the Industrial Revolution, Empire, responses to poverty and welfare, as well as the everyday experience of being British.

    Prerequisites: HI 105 or HI 107

    Full course
  • HI 395 - Advanced Topics in Women’s History and the History of Gender

    A topical exploration of issues in women’s history from the seventeenth through the twentieth centuries. Topics may include (but not be limited to) the social construction of gender, women in colonial and Revolutionary America, women in the professions, gender and women in the Middle Ages, and women in utopia.

    Prerequisites: Any 100- or 200-level HI course or GS 101

    Full course
    Misc. Notes: May be repeatable as long as the topic is different.
  • HI 397 - Advanced Topics in Modern European History

    A topical examination of issues in modern European history from the French Revolution to the present. Topics may include (but are not limited to) the French Revolution, gender issues in European history, poverty and welfare in European history, World War I, or Europe since 1945.

    Prerequisites: HI 107

    Full course
    Misc. Notes: May be repeatable as long as the topic is different.
  • HI 410 - Senior Seminar

    This course requires students to prepare a senior thesis in a selected area of history under the close supervision of a faculty member in the Department of History. All students will also be members of a seminar that will assist them to complete their theses.

    Prerequisites: Senior standing; required of all History majors; History majors and American Studies majors only; Permission of Instructor required.

    Full course
    Misc. Notes: Fulfills intensive writing requirement for History majors and American Studies majors.
  • HI 422 - Advanced Topics in American History

    The examination of a particular topic in American history.  Topics will vary but may include higher education, the Cold War, the Civil Rights movement, and Vermont.

    Prerequisites: HI 101 or HI 103

    Full course
    Misc. Notes: May be repeatable as long as the topic is different.
  • HI 425 - Europe During the Second World War

    A social, cultural, and political study of the Second World War in Europe.  Focusing primarily on Germany, France, Britain, and the Soviet Union, this course will consider the origins of the conflict, the experience of war and reconstruction in Europe, and the war’s global impact on the rest of the 20th century.

    Prerequisites: HI 107

    Full course
  • HI 427 - The Age of FDR, 1932-1945

    The Great Depression, which seemed to mark the collapse of capitalism, and World War II, which brought total, global war, posed some of the most difficult challenges in U.S history. The response of the American people has indelibly shaped the world in which we live. This course is a wide-ranging exploration of politics, the economy, society, culture, diplomacy, and war.

    Prerequisites: HI 103 or permission of the instructor.

    Full course
  • HI 461 - Society and Culture in Medieval Italy

    An exploration of the relationship between culture (literature, law, philosophy, and the visual arts) and society (politics, economy) in medieval Italy before, during, and after the age of the communes (with particular attention to the achievements of Dante, Giotto, and Boccaccio).

    Prerequisites: HU 101 or HI 105 or HI 108

    Full course
  • HI 463 - The Franciscans

    An interdisciplinary, topical, and chronological approach to the history of the Franciscan Order, with particular attention to its origins, the lives of Saints Francis and Clare, the development of gendered models of spirituality, and the impact of the Franciscans on the religious, political, and cultural development of medieval Europe.

    Prerequisites: HI 108 or HU 101 or RS 217

    Full course
  • HI 465 - Advanced Topics in Modern Latin American History

    A topical examination of issues such as the Cuban and Nicaraguan revolutions, military dictatorship in Chile and Argentina, Hispanic immigration to the United States, slavery, and the human condition in Latin America today.

    Prerequisites: HI 161 or HI 163

    Full course
    Misc. Notes: May be repeatable as long as the topic is different.
  • HI 497 - Independent Research in History

    An independent research project in History under the direction of a History instructor.

    Prerequisites: B average or higher in History major and permission of instructor.

    Full or Half course
  • HI 499 - History Internship

    Internships may be offered both on- and off-campus. Students may apply to a history faculty member and the college internship office. At a minimum the faculty supervisor will expect the student to produce weekly journal entries and a research paper.

    Prerequisites: Three courses in history, at least Junior standing, 2.7 GPA, faculty supervisor, approval of academic advisor and department chair.

    Half or Full course
    Misc. Notes: May be repeatable.
  • HO 301 - Honors Colloquium

    A multidisciplinary seminar designed to engage Honors Program students in readings and discussion with peers, some based on arts and academic events offered in the greater Burlington area.

    Prerequisites: Honors Program Status and Junior or Senior standing.

    Half course
    Misc. Notes: This course is required of all students enrolled in the Honors Program.
  • HU 101 - Ancient and Medieval Civilization

    A chronological and interdisciplinary study of significant texts from Antiquity and the Middle Ages, primarily in the Western tradition but not excluding the non-Western. Readings may include Virgil’s Aeneid, Saint Augustine’s Confessions, the Rule of Saint Benedict, the Lays of Marie de France, an Arthurian romance, and Dante’s Inferno.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Literary Studies or Historical Studies
  • HU 102 - Modern Civilization

    A continuation of HU 101 (Ancient and Medieval Civilization). Its focus is the intensive study of key and significant texts, and films, primarily in the Western tradition but not excluding the non-Western. Texts chosen may include a selection of the following: Machiavelli’s The Prince, a play by Shakespeare, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, Marx’s Communist Manifesto, Hannah Arendt’s Eichmann in Jerusalem, and Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Literary Studies or Historical Studies
  • HU 203 - Renaissance and Reformation

    An interdisciplinary survey of some of the most important influential texts and works of art in European history from about 1350 to 1650. Authors studied may include Machiavelli, Christian humanists (Erasmus and/or More), Catholic and Protestant thinkers (Luther, Ignatius Loyola, Calvin), Marguerite of Navarre, Montaigne, Descartes, and Shakespeare.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Literary Studies or Historical Studies
  • HU 205 - Enlightenment and Revolution

    Covers the years from the seventeenth century to 1815. The major areas of consideration are: the Industrial and French Revolutions, and the causes and effects of the Enlightenment through the Napoleonic Era. Readings may include The New Science (Bacon, Galileo, Descartes, Locke, and/or Newton), and selections from the area of society and politics (Locke, Pope, Voltaire, and/or Rousseau). The second half of the course concerns the Romantic reaction against the Enlightenment and focuses on the poets Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Shelley and Byron.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Literary Studies or Historical Studies
  • HU 209 - The Twentieth Century

    A cross-cultural, interdisciplinary course that draws on a wide variety of artistic manifestations in literature, art, music, and cinema.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Literary Studies or Historical Studies
  • HU 225 - Environmental Humanities

    An introductory study of the natural environment from a diverse range of perspectives across the humanities.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Literary Studies or Historical Studies
  • HU 350 - Advanced Academic Writing

    This course is designed to support students working on an extended writing project in their major. The course is a workshop in which students improve and polish their research and writing skills in preparation for graduate school or a career that involves writing.

    Half course
    Misc. Notes: This course is designed primarily for Juniors and Seniors.
  • IT 101 - First Semester Italian

    A course for designed to develop basic language skills and introduce students to the cultures of the Italian-speaking world.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Second Language

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