Sep 27, 2024  
2012-2013 Undergraduate Catalog 
2012-2013 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]


  • SP 206 - Fourth Semester Spanish

    This course follows SP 203 and offers further development of students’ intermediate language skills in all areas. Some course material will be based on culture.

    Prerequisites: SP 203 with a grade of C or better; or equivalent placement.

    Full course
  • SP 308 - Advanced Conversation

    The study and practice of oral expression. Class activities are related to different aspects of Hispanic culture.

    Prerequisites: SP 206 with a grade C or better; or equivalent placement.

    Full course
    Misc. Notes: In Spanish.
  • SP 310 - Advanced Grammar and Composition

    A course designed to help students consolidate their grammar and vocabulary skills as they develop their writing skills. The goal is to foster students’ critical reflection and self-correction, thereby increasing their independence in the craft of writing.

    Prerequisites: SP 206 with a grade C or better; or equivalent placement.

    Full course
    Misc. Notes: In Spanish. Fulfills Written Communication requirement for the Spanish major.
  • SP 313 - Topics in Latin American Culture

    Courses could cover such topics as Pre-Columbian art and architecture, Hispanic cultures in the United States, women in contemporary Mexican culture, the culture of Argentina.

    Prerequisites: SP 310

    Full course
    Misc. Notes: In Spanish. May be repeatable as long as topic is different.
  • SP 315 - Topics in Spanish Culture

    Explores the cultures of Spain. Courses could cover such topics as medieval and early-modern Spain and the co-existence of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam; Spanish Art and Architecture; the loss of the empire and the Generation of 98; the Spanish Civil War; Transition to Democracy; and contemporary Spanish culture.

    Prerequisites: SP 310

    Full course
    Misc. Notes: May be repeatable as long as topic is different.
  • SP 343 - Literary Studies in Spanish

    Familiarizes students with different literary genres and styles and introduces them to the principal literary movements and authors of Hispanic literature.

    Prerequisites: SP 310

    Full course
    Misc. Notes: In Spanish. Must be taken at Saint Michael’s College. Students may take SP 310 and SP 343 concurrently.
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Literary Studies
  • SP 430 - Spanish/Latin American Film

    A study of the great cinematic tradition of Spain and/or Spanish-speaking countries using methods similar to those used in the study of literature. Students will watch and discuss at least one film each week.

    Prerequisites: SP 343

    Full course
  • SP 435 - Readings in Latin American Literature

    Courses could cover topics such as colonization and resistance, mestizaje, the nation, the New Narrative, migration, and contemporary Latin America through narrative, essay, theatre, poetry, and testimonio.

    Prerequisites: SP 343

    Full course
    Misc. Notes: In Spanish. May be repeatable as long as topic is different.
  • SP 437 - Three Cultures of Spain

    This course addresses the question of Convivencia (“Co-existence”) of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism in medieval and early-modern Spain through primary texts, both literary and cultural (historically significant documents). A course of cultural and textual analysis, the student will read and discuss works offering insight into a hybrid Spain struggling to define itself.

    Prerequisites: SP 343 or permission of instructor

    Full course
    Misc. Notes: In Spanish
  • SP 440 - Readings in Spanish Literature

    The course may be based on a single author, work, or movement or may be of a topical nature. Past courses include “Don Quijote” and “The Life and Works of Lorca.”

    Prerequisites: SP 343

    Full course
  • SP 445 - Poetry in Spanish

    An exploration of poetry leading to an appreciation of its uniqueness as a genre.  The course will discuss what makes poetry different from other literary forms and will provide the student with a better understanding of poetry, authors, and traditions and with the tools of poetic analysis.

    Prerequisites: SP 343

    Full course
    Misc. Notes: May be repeatable as long as topic is different.
  • SP 460 - Senior Seminar

    In the capstone course for majors, students use the skills and knowledge gained over the course of their studies on campus and abroad to produce a substantial academic essay written in the language of the major. The theme of the essay depends on the particular year, professor, and student.

    Prerequisites: Senior Spanish majors only.

    Full course
  • TH 101 - Life in the Theatre

    This course explores the challenges of building and managing a career in Professional Theatre. “Life in the Theatre” focuses on how to discover job opportunities within professional theatre organizations and how to prepare for interviews and auditions.

    Half course
  • TH 105 - Introduction to Acting

    The techniques in this course focus on personalization, the creative life of a character, and dramatic action in contemporary plays.

    Half course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Artistic Experience
  • TH 161 - Theatre Laboratory: Scenery, Lights, Painting

    A semester-long theatre laboratory focusing on safety in the theatre, and the department of Fine Arts’ mainstage production. It involves active participation in the areas of stage lighting, properties, set construction and painting.

    Half course
    Misc. Notes: May be repeated with permission of the instructor.
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Artistic Experience
  • TH 162 - Theatre Laboratory: Costumes

    A semester-long laboratory course centered on the current Mainstage Theatre production. Students enrolled develop skills that enable them to build and alter costumes for the show.

    Half course
    Misc. Notes: May be repeated with permission of the instructor.
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Artistic Experience
  • TH 163 - Theatre Laboratory: Scenery, Lights, Run Crew

    A semester-long theatre laboratory focusing on safety in the theatre, and the department of Fine Arts’ mainstage production. It involves active participation in the areas of stage lighting, properties, set construction, painting, and running a show during technical rehearsals and performances.

    Half course
    Misc. Notes: May be repeated with permission of the instructor.
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Artistic Experience
  • TH 207 - Acting Techniques

    The theory and practice of acting techniques, using the acting style and literature of modern and contemporary realism. The techniques focus on understanding dramatic action in terms of character, and on the organic use of the voice and body.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Artistic Experience
  • TH 209 - Stagecrafts

    This is an introduction to the technical elements of stage production (exclusive of costuming). Particular emphasis is placed on stage management, run crew, design, construction of scenery, painting, properties and lighting. Practical projects are included in the curriculum to reinforce classroom work.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Artistic Experience
  • TH 211 - Costume Crafts

    A survey encompassing elements of the design, history and execution of stage costumes, with special emphasis on the collaboration with the director and other designers, script analysis and various forms of research.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Artistic Experience
  • TH 213 - Singing for the Actor

    A beginning course in musical theatre performance. Students will learn basic techniques to communicate acting choices within a song. This course will also include a survey of musical theatre history, with special emphasis on current Broadway composers.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Artistic Experience
  • TH 215 - Training the Speaking Voice

    Addresses vocal awareness and development of the speaking voice in the interest of clear and effective communication. This is a course that explores vocal work in a theatrical context.

    Half course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Artistic Experience
  • TH 217 - Alexander Technique

    This course is for students interested in moving and performing with greater ease, power, support and clarity. Alexander Technique can be applied to many aspects of daily movement and performance activities. You will explore movement habits and experience movement choices that are logical and effortless.

    Half course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Artistic Experience
  • TH 271 - Production Practicum: Acting

    Allows students to earn course credit by auditioning for, and being cast in a Fine Arts: Theatre Mainstage production, attending all rehearsals and performances and submitting all written work as required.

    Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor.

    Half course
    Misc. Notes: May be repeated with permission of the instructor. Registering for the course does not ensure being cast in the production.
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Artistic Experience
  • TH 272 - Production Practicum: Directing

    Allows students to earn course credit by serving as Assistant Director or Director for the Fine Arts: Theatre Mainstage production, attending all rehearsals and performances and submitting all written work as required.

    Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor.

    Half course
    Misc. Notes: May be repeated with permission of the instructor.
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Artistic Experience
  • TH 273 - Production Practicum: Stage Management

    Allows students to earn course credit by either assistant stage managing or stage managing a mainstage production, attending all rehearsals and performances and submitting all written work as required.

    Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor.

    Half course
    Misc. Notes: May be repeated with permission of the instructor.
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Artistic Experience
  • TH 274 - Production Practicum: Dramaturgy

    Allows students to earn course credit by serving as Dramaturg for the Fine Arts: Theatre Mainstage production, attending all rehearsals and performances and submitting all written work as required. The Dramaturg researches all of the aspects of the world of the play to enable the director, designers, actors and audience members to more fully understand it.

    Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor.

    Half course
    Misc. Notes: May be repeated with permission of the instructor.
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Artistic Experience
  • TH 275 - Production Practicum: Design

    Allows students to earn course credit by either assisting a faculty designer or themselves designing scenery, costumes, lighting, or sound for the mainstage, attending rehearsals and production meetings as required, and turning in all appropriate design materials for evaluation upon completion of the project.

    Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor.

    Half course
    Misc. Notes: May be repeated with permission of the instructor.
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Artistic Experience
  • TH 301 - Western Theatre History from Aeschylus to Zannis

    A survey of the history of theatre from the Golden Age of Greece to the Renaissance. The relationships among authors, their plays, and conditions of production are emphasized. Fulfills writing intensive requirement for the Theatre major.

    Full course
    Misc. Notes: Fulfills Written Communication requirement for the Theatre major.
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Historical Studies
  • TH 302 - Moliere to Modern Drama

    A survey of the literature and history of European and American Theatre from French Neo-classicism to the advent of Realism. The relationships among authors, their plays and conditions of production are emphasized.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Literary Studies
  • TH 303 - Modern and Contemporary Theatre

    A survey of the literature and history of European and American theatre from the early Twentieth century to the present. Emphasis will be on significant innovations in a time characterized by social and political crisis and change.

    Half course
  • TH 309 - Directing I

    Explores the technical, visual, aural and analytical skills involved in the direction of plays. Students obtain experience in play analysis, stage movement, ground-planning, casting, rehearsing and performance. In addition, students gain preliminary knowledge of the history of play direction.

    Prerequisites: TH 105 or TH 207 (or TH 205 which is no longer offered)

    Full course
  • TH 311 - Acting for the Camera

    This is an introductory course designed to enable students to learn the art of film and television acting. Students will learn how to communicate and feel at ease – whether doing an interview or reporting from the field. On-camera opportunities will highlight audition techniques, commercial scenes, and interview skills. Students will focus on script analysis, responsive listening, physical and vocal economy, blocking and business, personalization and the close-up. Students will also research and discuss the cultural impact that the media plays on our world today.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Artistic Experience
  • TH 321 - Playwriting

    This is a course designed to give practical experience in writing and in critical analysis of theatre scripts. Starting with writing exercises, students will develop three finished scripts of 10 - 12 pages in length and a one-act (30 - 45 pages). All original scripts will be read aloud by actors and subject to discussion and revision.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Artistic Experience
  • TH 331 - Scenic Design

    A study of the theories and practices of scenic design for the stage. The creative process and methods of communicating the design to the director and other members of the production staff will be learned.

    Full course
    Misc. Notes: May be repeatable.
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Artistic Experience
  • TH 341 - Lighting Design

    A study of the theories and practices of lighting design for the stage. The creative process and methods of communicating the design to the director and other members of the production staff will be learned.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Artistic Experience
  • TH 351 - Topics in Performance

    This course offers students and faculty the opportunity to engage in intensive study and practice of a particular Theatre performance technique or topic. Past examples have included Auditioning, Alexander Technique, and Acting for the Camera.

    Full course
    Misc. Notes: May be repeatable as long as topic is different.
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Artistic Experience
  • TH 410 - Senior Seminar in Theatre

    An advanced seminar in Theatre, culminating in a creative project (which could include acting, directing, designing, writing, and/or teaching).

    Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor.

    Full course
  • TH 450 - Theatre Tutorial

    An independent project pursued in consultation with a Theatre Faculty Member. Depending on the scope of the project, this may be constructed as a half or full course.

    Prerequisites: 3.0 or better GPA in Theatre; permission of instructor.

    Full course
    Misc. Notes: May be repeated with permission of instructor.

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