Sep 27, 2024  
2012-2013 Undergraduate Catalog 
2012-2013 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]


  • GR 310 - Directed Readings in Greek Literature

    Students will read and discuss texts by a Greek author. This course may be taken more than once, and normally students will work with one author in a semester. Recent offerings have been Homer, Plato, and Herodotus.

    Prerequisites: GR 101 and GR 201 or equivalent.

    Full course
    Misc. Notes: May be repeatable as long as the topic is different.
  • GS 101 - Gender Studies: Foundations

    This course introduces students to the history, theories, methodologies, vocabulary, and classic readings in gender studies, usually with concentration on one theme such as health, labor, or suffrage. The course materials have broad applicability to other courses and will provide a useful foundation for students who plan to major or minor in Gender Studies.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Social and Institutional Dimensions of Human Behavior
  • GS 203 - Gender Issues in Society

    Explores the significance and intelligibility of gender by examining, from an interdisciplinary and global perspective, how gender differentiation is experienced, understood, expressed, valued, and lived out in cultures.

    Full course
    Misc. Notes: Fulfills Written Communication requirement for the Gender Studies major.
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Social and Institutional Dimensions of Human Behavior
  • GS 204 - Men & Masculinities

    Explore the myriad definitions, pre-conceived notions, constructions and consequences of both our subjective and objective “experiences” of the two vastly misunderstood terms - men AND masculinities. Global, national and local interpretations of these terms will be explored through the use of texts, discussions, lectures, videos and guest speakers.

    Full course
    Misc. Notes: Gender Studies majors and minors get priority registration for the course.
  • GS 208 - Topics in Gender Studies

    This topics course may change from year to year as professors offer introductory level courses on a topic related to the study of gender. These courses are designed to include all undergraduates, not just Gender Studies minors, who are interested in the particular special topic relating to gender offered that year.

    Full course
  • GS 308 - Advanced Topics in Gender Studies

    This advanced topics course may change from year to year as professors offer advanced level, theoretical courses that reflect current work in the discipline of Gender Studies. A current special topic course is, for example, Feminist Theory and the Body. A past course was Sex and Sexuality from a Gender Perspective. These courses are designed to help Gender Studies minors do advanced reading and work in the field.

    Prerequisites: GS 101 or GS 203.

    Full course
    Misc. Notes: May be repeatable as long as the topic is different.
  • GS 410 - Senior Capstone

    Each student designs a senior project by working with the director of the program and a Gender Studies advisor. It must include a research thesis or project and an internship or community-based learning component linking theory and praxis. Students will give a presentation of their work at a symposium in the Women’s Center at year’s end.

    Prerequisites: GS 101 and GS 203 and permission of the program coordinator after other major requirements have been met.

    Full course
  • HI 101 - U.S. History to 1865

    A survey of American history from the beginnings of colonization through the Civil War.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Historical Studies
  • HI 103 - U.S. History since 1865

    A survey of American history from the end of the Civil War to the present.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Historical Studies
  • HI 105 - Early Modern Europe

    A survey of the social, economic, political, intellectual, and cultural history of Europe from the end of the Hundred Years’ War in the fifteenth century to the eve of the French Revolution in the eighteenth century.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Historical Studies
  • HI 107 - Modern Europe

    This course is a survey of political, economic, social and cultural forces that have changed the course of European and western civilization since the French Revolution. This course will investigate the people and events that shaped European landscapes, boundaries, and economics, as well as the European mindset over the period.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Historical Studies
  • HI 108 - Medieval Europe

    An interdisciplinary survey of significant developments in the medieval history of Europe, Islam, and Byzantium from the fifth through the fifteenth century (from the collapse of the Roman Empire through the Hundred Years War and the rise of the Ottoman Empire).

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Historical Studies
  • HI 121 - The Modern Middle East: An Introduction

    A survey of the history of the Middle East, from the rise of Islam in the seventh century to the twentieth century, with particular emphasis on the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Historical Studies
  • HI 141 - Traditional East Asia

    A survey of the history and culture of China and Japan from pre-history to the eighteenth century. The main theme of this course will be diversity and continuity in East Asian societies.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Historical Studies
  • HI 143 - Modern East Asia

    A survey of social, political, and cultural changes in China and Japan from the eighteenth century to the present. This course will compare the paths of development the two nations have taken in the past two centuries.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Historical Studies
  • HI 161 - Early Latin America

    A survey of Latin American history from the emergence of pre-Columbian societies to independence, with an emphasis on the effects of “empire” on pre-Columbian and Latin American societies and on Indian-European relations after 1492.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Historical Studies
  • HI 163 - Modern Latin America

    A survey of Latin America since 1810, with emphasis on state-making and national consolidation in the nineteenth century, its impact on society, culture and economics, and the origins and course of major revolutionary and reform movements of the twentieth century.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Historical Studies
  • HI 215 - Women in American Society

    An introductory course for students to explore the major themes and experiences of American women from the colonial period to the present.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Historical Studies
  • HI 216 - Native Peoples of North America

    A survey of indigenous people of North America from 1400 to the present day, with emphasis on cultural diversity among native groups, the impact of colonization, rebirth of social and cultural identity/ political sovereignty in the twentieth century, and present day issues.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Historical Studies
  • HI 218 - History of Modern Ireland

    A survey of Irish history from the mid 16th to the early 21st century. Topics include the Tudor revolutions, English colonialism and penal laws, Irish republicanism and home rule movements, the partition of Ireland, creation of the Irish republic, and the question of the North.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Historical Studies
  • HI 221 - Early Caribbean History: Swashbucklers, Slaves, and Servants

    Survey spanning the pre-colonial era through the mid-nineteenth century examining the diverse Caribbean region. Explores political, social and cultural events through the experiences of the diverse peoples and cultures of the region. Major themes include colonial history, slavery, race relations, political processes, relations with the United States, and immigration.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Historical Studies
  • HI 223 - Modern Caribbean History: Cannons to Cricket

    Survey spanning the nineteenth century through the present examining the diverse Caribbean region. Explores political, social and cultural events through the experiences of the regions diverse peoples and cultures. Major themes include colonial history, slavery, race relations, political processes, religion, culture, tourism, relations with the United States, and immigration.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Historical Studies
  • HI 310 - American Society and Culture to 1865

    This course examines the transformation of American social and cultural life from the colonial period to the Gilded Age. Special emphasis is given to the historical context of ideas, concepts and values in American society before the Civil War.

    Prerequisites: HI 101

    Full course
  • HI 320 - American Society and Culture since 1865

    This course explores the social and cultural history of the US since 1865 through the lens of the American Dream, continually evolving, in part, because of an on-going tension between the values of two cultures, an older one of scarcity and production and a newer one of affluence and consumption.

    Prerequisites: HI 103 or EN 253 or permission of the instructor.

    Full course
  • HI 330 - The Age of the American Revolution, 1763-1815

    This course explores the American Revolution from its colonial foundations through the War of 1812. In the context of economic, social, political, and cultural influences, this course will examine the concepts of revolution, liberty, independence, republicanism, and nationalism. It will also examine how race, class, and gender affected or were affected by revolutionary ideology.

    Prerequisites: HI 101

    Full course
  • HI 335 - China in the Twentieth Century

    An analysis of recent Chinese history from the Boxer uprising in 1900 to the return of Hong Kong in 1997. This course examines the interplay of imperialism and nationalism, and the mixture of socialism and capitalism, that has shaped China’s experience in modern times.

    Prerequisites: HI 143

    Full course
  • HI 337 - Japan and the Modern World

    Analyzes the history of modern Japan from the Meiji Restoration to the post-bubble economy. Emphasis will center on Japan’s interaction with the international environment, tracing her experience from isolation to aggression to peaceful expansion.

    Prerequisites: HI 143

    Full course
  • HI 339 - East Asia and the West

    From Marco Polo to Toyota. A topical analysis of the history of cultural, economic, and diplomatic relations between East Asia and the Western world, with an emphasis on the experience from the sixteenth to the twentieth century.

    Prerequisites: HI 141 or HI 143

    Full course
  • HI 341 - Advanced Topics in East Asian History

    Examination of issues in the history of China or Japan. Topics will vary but may include classical Chinese thought, modern China/Japan in American cinema, or World War II in Asia.

    Prerequisites: HI 141 or HI 143

    Full course
    Misc. Notes: May be repeatable as long as the topic is different.
  • HI 343 - Advanced Topics in Medieval History

    A topical examination of a selected historical problem or issue in medieval European history from 300 to 1500. Possible topics may include women and gender, medieval heresy and dissent, or the medieval economy.

    Prerequisites: HI 108 or HU 101

    Full course
    Misc. Notes: May be repeatable as long as the topic is different.
  • HI 345 - The Black Death

    An interdisciplinary study of disease in Europe before, during, and after the outbreak of the plague pandemic in the mid-fourteenth century. Among the topics examined are the causes and spread of the contagion throughout Europe and Asia in the fourteenth century, the outbreak of peasant revolts, the effect of the plague on painting and literature, the role of disease in history, and the impact of human history on the history of disease.

    Prerequisites: HI 101, or HI 105, or HI 108, or HI 111, or HU 203

    Full course
  • HI 350 - Advanced Topics in Islamic History

    Exploration of a selected topic or historical problem in Islamic history at any time from the seventh century to the contemporary world.  Topics may include the following:  the origins of Islam, Islamic intellectual and cultural history of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, modern Turkey, or the Arab Spring.

    Prerequisites: HI 121 or RS 319

    Full course
  • HI 353 - Presidential Elections

    A seminar that views US history through the lens of presidencies and presidential elections.  From the era of George Washington to the present, it explores a number of topics related to running for and serving as president, including the evolution of campaign styles, the rise and decline of parties; the spread of democracy; the effect of questions about character, personality, peace, and the economy; the growth of television, the airplane, and the internet; and the role of the mass media. 

    Prerequisites: HI 101 or HI 103

    Full course
  • HI 374 - The Roots of American Society, 1607-1763

    This course will explore the political, social, economic and intellectual life of the American colonial period. Topics may include, but not be limited to, Puritanism, Indian-white relations, slavery, western expansion, and religious movements.

    Prerequisites: HI 101

    Full course
  • HI 390 - Empires: 1492—Present

    A comparative study of European empires from 1492 to 1990, studying the way in which European empires shaped the global stage over five centuries, with a focus on Britain, Spain, France, Belgium and Germany.  Emphasis is placed on the imperial encounter, understanding the impact on both European and native peoples.  

    Prerequisites: HI 105 or HI 107

    Full course
  • HI 393 - The Historian’s Craft: Theory and Methodology

    An examination and analysis within a global perspective of selected influential works of historical writing since antiquity. The seminar will examine these texts as models of historical literature as well as explore the various theories and methodologies they propose. Topics examined may include (and are not limited to) the following: ancient and medieval historiography, Marxism, feminism, positivism, and postmodernism.

    Prerequisites: At least junior or senior standing and at least one other history course.

    Full course
  • HI 394 - Britain’s 19th Century

    Using gender and class as organizing concepts, this course focuses on the social history of the British people during the Nineteenth Century. Explores the pivotal moments and debates of the era, including the Industrial Revolution, Empire, responses to poverty and welfare, as well as the everyday experience of being British.

    Prerequisites: HI 107

    Full course
  • HI 395 - Advanced Topics in Women’s History and the History of Gender

    A topical exploration of issues in women’s history from the seventeenth through the twentieth centuries. Topics may include, but not be limited to the social construction of gender, women in colonial and Revolutionary America, women in the professions, gender and women in the Middle Ages, and women in utopia.

    Prerequisites: Any 100- or 200-level HI course or GS 101

    Full course
    Misc. Notes: May be repeatable as long as the topic is different.
  • HI 397 - Advanced Topics in Modern European History

    A topical examination of issues in modern European history from the French Revolution to the present. Topics may include (but are not limited to) the French Revolution, gender issues in European history, poverty and welfare in European history, World War I, or Europe since 1945.

    Prerequisites: HI 107

    Full course
    Misc. Notes: May be repeatable as long as the topic is different.
  • HI 410 - Senior Seminar

    This course requires students to prepare a senior thesis in a selected area of history under the close supervision of a faculty member in the Department of History. All students will also be members of a seminar that will assist them to complete their theses.

    Prerequisites: Senior standing; required of all History majors; History majors and American Studies majors only.

    Full course
    Misc. Notes: Fulfills intensive writing requirement for History majors and American Studies majors.
  • HI 422 - Advanced Topics in American History

    The examination of a particular topic in American history. Topics will vary but may include presidential elections, the Cold War, the Civil Rights Movement, or Vermont History.

    Prerequisites: HI 101 or HI 103

    Full course
    Misc. Notes: May be repeatable as long as the topic is different.
  • HI 425 - Europe During the Second World War

    A social, cultural, and political study of the Second World War in Europe.  Focusing primarily on Germany, France, Britain, and the Soviet Union, this course will consider the origins of the conflict, the experience of war and reconstruction in Europe, and the war’s global impact on the rest of the 20th century.

    Prerequisites: HI 107

    Full course
  • HI 427 - The Age of FDR, 1932-1945

    The Great Depression, which seemed to mark the collapse of capitalism, and World War II, which brought total, global war, posed some of the most difficult challenges in U.S history. The response of the American people has indelibly shaped the world in which we live. This course is a wide-ranging exploration of politics, the economy, society, culture, diplomacy, and war.

    Prerequisites: HI 103 or permission of the instructor.

    Full course
  • HI 461 - Society and Culture in Medieval Italy

    An exploration of the relationship between culture (literature, law, philosophy, and the visual arts) and society (politics, economy) in medieval Italy before, during, and after the age of the communes (with particular attention to the achievements of Dante, Giotto, and Boccaccio).

    Prerequisites: HU 101 or HI 105 or HI 108.

    Full course
  • HI 463 - The Franciscans

    An interdisciplinary, topical, and chronological approach to the history of the Franciscan Order, with particular attention to its origins, the lives of Saints Francis and Clare, the development of gendered models of spirituality, and the impact of the Franciscans on the religious, political, and cultural development of medieval Europe.

    Prerequisites: HI 108 or HU 101 or RS 217

    Full course
  • HI 465 - Advanced Topics in Modern Latin American History

    A topical examination of issues such as the Cuban and Nicaraguan revolutions, military dictatorship in Chile and Argentina, Hispanic immigration to the United States, slavery, and the human condition in Latin America today.

    Prerequisites: HI 161 or HI 163

    Full course
    Misc. Notes: May be repeatable as long as the topic is different.
  • HI 497 - Independent Research in History

    An independent research project in History under the direction of a History instructor.

    Prerequisites: B average or higher in History major and permission of instructor.

    Full or Half course
  • HI 499 - History Internship

    Internships may be offered both on- and off-campus. Students may apply to a history faculty member and the college internship office. At a minimum the faculty supervisor will expect the student to produce weekly journal entries and a research paper.

    Prerequisites: Three courses in history, at least Junior standing, 2.7 GPA, faculty supervisor, approval of academic advisor and department chair.

    Half/Full course
    Misc. Notes: May be repeatable.
  • HO 301 - Honors Colloquium

    A multidisciplinary seminar designed to engage Honors Program students in readings and discussion with peers, some based on arts and academic events offered in the greater Burlington area.

    Prerequisites: Honors Program Status and Junior or Senior standing.

    Half course
    Misc. Notes: This course is required of all students enrolled in the Honors Program.
  • HU 101 - Ancient and Medieval Civilization

    A chronological and interdisciplinary study of significant texts from Antiquity and the Middle Ages, primarily in the Western tradition but not excluding the non-Western. Readings may include Virgil’s Aeneid, Saint Augustine’s Confessions, the Rule of Saint Benedict, the Lays of Marie de France, an Arthurian romance, and Dante’s Inferno.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Literary Studies or Historical Studies
  • HU 102 - Modern Civilization

    A continuation of HU 101 (Ancient and Medieval Civilization). Its focus is the intensive study of key and significant texts, and films, primarily in the Western tradition but not excluding the non-Western. Texts chosen may include a selection of the following: Machiavelli’s The Prince, a play by Shakespeare, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, Marx’s Communist Manifesto, Hannah Arendt’s Eichmann in Jerusalem, and Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Literary Studies or Historical Studies
  • HU 203 - Renaissance and Reformation

    An interdisciplinary survey of some of the most important influential texts and works of art in European history from about 1350 to 1650. Authors studied may include Machiavelli, Christian humanists (Erasmus and/or More), Catholic and Protestant thinkers (Luther, Ignatius Loyola, Calvin), Marguerite of Navarre, Montaigne, Descartes, and Shakespeare.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Literary Studies or Historical Studies
  • HU 205 - Enlightenment and Revolution

    Covers the years from the seventeenth century to 1815. The major areas of consideration are: the Industrial and French Revolutions, and the causes and effects of the Enlightenment through the Napoleonic Era. Readings may include The New Science (Bacon, Galileo, Descartes, Locke, and/or Newton), and selections from the area of society and politics (Locke, Pope, Voltaire, and/or Rousseau). The second half of the course concerns the Romantic reaction against the Enlightenment and focuses on the poets Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Shelley and Byron.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Literary Studies or Historical Studies
  • HU 209 - The Twentieth Century

    A cross-cultural, interdisciplinary course that draws on a wide variety of artistic manifestations in literature, art, music, and cinema.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Literary Studies or Historical Studies
  • HU 225 - Environmental Humanities

    An introductory study of the natural environment from a diverse range of perspectives across the humanities.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Literary Studies or Historical Studies
  • HU 350 - Advanced Academic Writing

    This course is designed to support students working on an extended writing project in their major. The course is a workshop in which students improve and polish their research and writing skills in preparation for graduate school or a career that involves writing.

    Half course
    Misc. Notes: This course is designed primarily for Juniors and Seniors.
  • IT 101 - First Semester Italian

    A course for designed to develop basic language skills and introduce students to the cultures of the Italian-speaking world.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Second Language
  • IT 102 - Second Semester Italian

    This course follows IT 101 and continues the development of students basic language skills in all areas. Some course material will be based on the culture of the Italian-speaking world.

    Prerequisites: IT 101 or equivalent placement.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Second Language
  • IT 200 - Italian Applied Language Component

    Students who have completed IT 102 may continue to develop their proficiency through applied language components of courses taught in English. This allows students to read and discuss, in Italian, selected texts and materials pertinent to the subject matter of the course. These courses may be offered in a variety of disciplines. Students meet one additional hour per week with their instructor(s) to discuss the texts in Italian. Those who successfully complete the language portion of such a course will receive credit for a half course.

    Prerequisites: IT 102

    Half course

  • IT 203 - Third Semester Italian

    This course follows IT 102 and offers further development in all language skills. Some course material will be based on the literature and culture of the Italian-speaking world.

    Prerequisites: IT 102 with a grade of C or better; or equivalent placement.

    Full course
  • IT 206 - Fourth Semester Italian

    This course follows IT 203 and offeres further development of students’ intermediate language skills in all areas. Some course materials will be based on Italian culture.

    Prerequisites: IT 203 with a grade of C or better; or equivalent placement.

    Full course
  • IT 310 - Advanced Grammar and Composition

    This course is designed for students to enrich their grammatical resources, expand their vocabulary, and practice their writing in Italian. The goal is to consolidate those skills and to critically reflect in the target language on a variety of topics.

    Prerequisites: IT 206 with a grade of C or better; or equivalent placement.

    Full course
    Misc. Notes: In Italian.
  • IT 313 - Topics in Italian Culture

    Introduces the major contributions of Italy to Western culture in such areas as art, architecture, cinema and music. May be repeated barring duplication of materials.

    Full course
    Misc. Notes: In English. Optional Applied Language Component. May be repeated barring duplication of materials.
  • JA 101 - First Semester Japanese

    A course designed to develop basic language skills and introduce students to Japanese culture.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Second Language
  • JA 102 - Second Semester Japanese

    This course follows JA 101 and continues the development of students’ basic language skills in all areas. Some course material will be based on Japanese culture.

    Prerequisites: JA 101 or equivalent placement.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Second Language
  • JA 200 - Japanese Applied Language Component

    Students who have completed JA 102 may continue to develop their proficiency through applied language components of courses taught in English. This allows students to read and discuss, in Japanese, selected texts and materials pertinent to the subject matter of the course. These courses may be offered in a variety of disciplines. Students meet one additional hour per week with their instructor(s) to discuss the texts in Japanese. Those who successfully complete the language portion of such a course will receive credit for a half course.

    Prerequisites: JA 102

    Half course
  • JA 203 - Third Semester Japanese

    This course follows 102 and offers further development in all language skills. Some course material will be based on Japanese culture.

    Prerequisites: JA 102 with a grade of C or better; or equivalent placement.

    Full course
  • JA 204 - Fourth Semester Japanese

    This course follows JA 203 and offers further development of students’ intermediate language skills in all areas. Some course material will be based on Japanese culture.

    Prerequisites: JA 203 with a grade of C or better; or equivalent placement.

    Full course
  • JA 308 - Advanced Conversation

    The study and practice of oral expression. Class activities are related to different aspects of Japanese culture.

    Prerequisites: JA 204 with a grade C or better; or permission of the instructor.

    Full course
    Misc. Notes: In Japanese.
  • JA 309 - Advanced Conversation II

    This course is a continuation of JA 308: The study and practice of oral expression.  Class activities are related to different aspects of Japanese speaking world and culture.

    Prerequisites: JA 308 or study abroad

    Full course
  • JA 333 - Japanese Culture

    A topical survey designed to provide an overview of traditional and contemporary Japan. Among the topics examined are religion, art, education, gender relations, law enforcement and business practices.

    Full course
    Misc. Notes: May be repeatable as long as the topic is different.
  • LA 101 - Introduction to Latin

    A thorough introduction, at an accelerated pace, to the basic forms, vocabulary and syntax of classical Latin. Readings from a variety of authors and periods of Latin literature.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Second Language
  • LA 211 - Intermediate Latin

    Continued intensive study of the basic structure and idioms of the Latin language. Aims to develop and hone skills in reading, translation, composition and conversation.

    Prerequisites: LA 101

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Second Language
  • LA 310 - Directed Readings in Latin Literature

    Examines the writings of a particular author, genre, or period. Students will translate, parse words, interpret passages, examine the style of a prose author and the metrics and diction of a poet, and consider the literary, philological, and historical background of a given author. Students write interpretive and analytical essays as well as translate from sight.

    Prerequisites: Successful completion of LA 211 or equivalent experience.

    Full course
    Misc. Notes: May be repeatable as long as the topic is different.
  • LA 410 - Senior Seminar in Latin

    A reading and writing program that draws together each student’s work in Latin. Students will take two major sight examinations and weekly sight quizzes, and will write a short explication du texte. I mean by explication du texte a short interpretive exercise that was practiced by late ancient grammarians and then by teachers in the cathedral schools of the Middle Ages. The exercise involved commentary on linguistic, rhetorical, and literary features of a passage or short text.

    Prerequisites: LA 101 and LA 211 and at least Junior or Senior standing.

    Full course
    Misc. Notes: Students are advised to take several versions of Directed Readings in Latin Literature before taking the seminar.
  • LS 101 - Research Skills and Strategies

    Students will investigate and critically examine the dynamic constellation of library and information resources, including the Internet, online databases, and print resources. Focus is on developing efficient search strategies, evaluating information sources, documenting sources, and effectively using new technologies. It will provide a foundation and methodology for students planning to write senior theses, honors papers, capstone projects, or foresee graduate studies in their future.

    Prerequisites: Restricted to first year, sophomores, and juniors. Seniors require permission of the instructor.

    Half course
  • MA 104 - Calculus Concepts with Pre-Calculus

    An individually customized review of: logarithms, exponentials, functions, graphing, polynomial and rational functions, conic sections, trigonometric functions and identities. An introduction to limits, continuity and derivatives.

    Prerequisites: Open by permission of instructor only to students who will enroll or are enrolled in MA 150 or MA 130.

    Full course
  • MA 105 - Calculus Concepts

    An individually customized review and reinforcement of limits, continuity and an introduction to derivatives, with selected pre-calculus topics.

    Prerequisites: Open by permission of instructor only to students who will enroll or are enrolled in MA 150 or MA 130.

    Half course
  • MA 120 - Elementary Statistics

    Description of sample data; probability distributions including the Normal distribution; correlation and regression; sampling; hypothesis testing; statistical inference; other topics may include Chi-square tests, multiple regression, and ANOVA.

    Full course
    Misc. Notes: Non-majors only. Credit will not be given for MA 120 if credit has already been given for BU 207, EC 205, or PS 216.
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Quantitative Reasoning
  • MA 130 - Elements of Calculus

    A one-semester survey of calculus. Not designed for those intending further study of calculus. Topics include limits, derivatives and the integral, with emphasis on applications.

    Prerequisites: At least high school algebra and trigonometry; preferably pre-calculus

    Full course
    Misc. Notes: Credit will not be given for MA 130 if credit has already been received for MA 150.
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Quantitative Reasoning
  • MA 150 - Calculus I

    Differentiation and applications; transcendental functions; introduction to antiderivatives and the definite integral, including applications; Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, some integration techniques.

    Prerequisites: Appropriate high school preparation, with at least pre-calculus.

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Quantitative Reasoning
  • MA 160 - Calculus II

    Integration techniques and applications; sequences and series; plane analytic geometry including parametric curves; polar coordinates; space geometry including an introduction to vectors.

    Prerequisites: MA 150 (formerly MA 109)

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Quantitative Reasoning
  • MA 207 - Discrete Mathematics

    Propositional logic; sets, functions, relations; elementary combinatorics; techniques of mathematical proof, including induction; recurrence and recurrence relations. Emphasis on connections to computing.

    Prerequisites: MA 150 (formerly MA 109)

    Full course
    Misc. Notes: Credit will not be given for both MA 207 and MA 240
  • MA 208 - Theory of Computation

    Primitive recursion and recursive functions; Turing machines; weaker computational models, including finite state machines and pushdown automata; regular expressions and Kleene’s theorem; nondeterminism; Halting Problem and Rice’s Theorem; NP completeness. Emphasis on conceptual overview of the role the topics play in computing.

    Prerequisites: MA 207 or MA 240

    Full course
  • MA 211 - Calculus III

    Vector-valued functions; partial differentiation; multiple integrals and applications, line integrals; Green’s Theorem and other vector calculus results.

    Prerequisites: MA 160 (formerly MA 111)

    Full course
    Liberal Studies Curriculum: Quantitative Reasoning
  • MA 213 - Linear Algebra

    Systems of linear equations; vector spaces; linear independence and bases; linear maps; matrices; determinants; eigenvalues and eigenvectors; diagonalization.

    Prerequisites: MA 160 (formerly MA 111)

    Full course
  • MA 217 - Applied Graph Theory

    Graphs, networks, paths, trees, coloring, etc. in the context of current applications such as network connectivity, conflict scheduling, optimal workforce assignment, and DNA sequencing, as well as classical problems such as the Four Color Theorem. May also include related algorithms and special topics.

    Prerequisites: MA 150 (formerly MA 109) or permission of instructor

    Full course
  • MA 240 - Introduction to Mathematical Proof

    Fundamentals of sets and logic; logical quantifiers; methods of direct and indirect proof; mathematical induction; functions and relations; divisibility theory and modular arithmetic in the integers. Emphasis on construction of mathematical arguments and writing these arguments in a clear and convincing manner.

    Prerequisites: MA 211

    Full course
    Misc. Notes: Fulfills Written Communication requirement for the Mathematics major.
  • MA 251 - Probability and Statistics

    Introduction to combinatorics and probability; discrete distributions; density functions, moments; the normal and other exponential family of distributions with applications; the Central Limit Theorem. Elementary applications to statistics inference, such as interval estimation and hypothesis testing.

    Prerequisites: MA 160 (formerly MA 111)

    Full course
  • MA 303 - Differential Equations

    First order differential equations with applications primarily from physics and population biology; qualitative analysis; approximation of solutions. Second order linear d.e.’s and applications; series solutions; Laplace transforms. Other topics may include difference equations and iterated functions, systems, boundary value problems.

    Prerequisites: MA 160 (formerly MA 111); MA 211 is recommended

    Full course
  • MA 304 - History of Mathematics

    A problem study approach to the history of mathematics. Topics may include: Babylonian and Egyptian mathematics, number systems, Pythagorean mathematics, duplication, trisection, and quadrature, Greek mathematics including Euclid’s Elements, Hindu-Arabian and Chinese mathematics, and the prelude to and dawn of modern mathematics.

    Prerequisites: MA 160 (formerly MA 111)

    Full course
  • MA 305 - Scientific Computing

    Methods for approximating the solutions of problems that are difficult or impossible to solve exactly. Floating point representation; approximation of functions; roots of nonlinear equations; interpolation and curve-fitting; linear systems; some operations research methods; additional topics possibly including numerical integration and differentiation.

    Prerequisites: MA 160 (formerly MA 111)

    Full course
  • MA 308 - Geometries

    Euclidean geometry; the discovery of non-Euclidean geometry and the independence of the parallel postulate; neutral geometry; Hilbert’s axioms; some philosophical implications. Additional geometric topics such as finite geometries; an introduction to elementary topology; fractals.

    Prerequisites: MA 240

    Full course
  • MA 315 - Complex Analysis

    The theory of functions of one complex variable. Topics will include: topology and algebraic structure of the complex numbers; differentiation of complex-valued functions and the Cauchy-Riemann equations; contour integration and Cauchy’s Theorem; classification of singularities; Laurent series; the residue calculus.

    Prerequisites: MA 211

    Full course
  • MA 351 - Applied Regression Analysis

    Regression analysis and its applications. Topics include simple and multiple linear regression, model diagnostics and testing, residual analysis, transformations, indicator variables, variable selection techniques, logistic regression and analysis of variance. Most methods assume use of a statistical computing package.

    Prerequisites: MA 251 or permission of instructor

    Full course
  • MA 380 - Advanced Topics in Mathematics

    Topics of current interest not covered in the standard courses.

    Prerequisites: Dependent on topic.

    Half or Full course
    Misc. Notes: May be repeatable as long as the topic is different.
  • MA 381 - Mathematics Education Seminar

    Topics in teaching mathematics at the secondary level or other levels, including effective mathematics lesson preparation and delivery, current issues in mathematics education, the use of ancillary teaching resources, and engagement in teaching and learning in local classrooms.

    Prerequisites: MA 160 (formerly MA 111) or permission of the instructor.

    Half course
  • MA 399 - Mathematics Internship

    An opportunity to utilize mathematical skills in a non-academic environment.

    Prerequisites: Junior standing.

    Half or Full course
    Misc. Notes: It is generally the responsibility of the student (in conjunction with the SMC Internship Director) to find an appropriate internship. Math internships require a faculty sponsor from the mathematics department. Internship will not count as elective credit towards either the math major or the math minor; it may be taken as an additional course.
  • MA 401 - Real Analysis I

    A rigorous study of the real number system: field and order axioms, completeness, and topology. Limits, sequences and series. Functions and continuity; pointwise and uniform convergence. The derivative and the Riemann integral.

    Prerequisites: MA 213 or MA 240

    Full course
  • MA 403 - Real Analysis II

    Functions of several variables; the derivative and Riemann integral in higher dimensional real spaces; implicit and inverse function theorems; other topics in analysis.

    Prerequisites: MA 401

    Full course

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